How do I study with flashcards?
Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/16/2021 - 14:35
Step 1: Locate your flashcards by selecting the ‘Navigation’ icon (looks like three lines) in the upper left-hand corner of the screen and select ‘Study Flashcards’.
Step 2: Flashcards are automatically organized by chapter and the custom deck names you’ve created. Select ‘Study by Chapter’ or ‘Study by Deck’ to proceed to studying your flashcards.
Step 3: Select ‘All’ or the individual sections you wish to study flashcards for and select the ‘Start Flashcards’ button.
Step 4: As you study flashcards, use the arrow buttons on the side of each large flashcard to jump to the next or previous card. To view the other side, click directly on the flashcard.