The Bobaths: A Biography of Berta and Karel Bobath

The Bobaths: A Biography of Berta and Karel Bobath

By: Jay Schleichkorn, PhD, PT

Publication date: April 2005


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In this loving biography, Jay Schleichkorn, PhD, PT, introduces the people behind the legend. The Bobaths give their long-time friend access to their personal letters, photographs and documents; agreed to hours of interviews; approved the manuscript; and added their own forward.

Title information

In this loving biography, Jay Schleichkorn, PhD, PT, introduces the people behind the legend. The Bobaths give their long-time friend access to their personal letters, photographs and documents; agreed to hours of interviews; approved the manuscript; and added their own forward

Pages: 200
Language: English
Publisher: NDTA Publishing
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Jay Schleichkorn, PhD, PT